International Impact of COVID-19 On Physician-Scientists (COVOPS) Survey

As labs around the world had to shut down during the COVID-19 pandemic, science disruption is an unfortunate consequence leading to delayed progress in research and science training. MD-PhD training was also impacted to an extent which is mostly unknown. With the goal of assessing how the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced the research and clinical training among junior physician-scientists thus far, the American Physician Scientists Association (APSA) and the European MD PhD Association (EMPA) have developed a survey to identify those challenges/problems that physician-scientists are facing. 

This survey is completely anonymous and voluntary. No personally-identifying information will be linked to your survey responses. 

participate in the study!

download paper here (.pdf)

EMPA is a not-for-profit organisation
which was founded with the central aims of bringing together MD-PhDs
from across Europe, fostering a comfortable setting for networking,
promoting European scientific collaborations and support for research,
and mobilizing European MD-PhD students.


get in touch with us if you want to start a project or if you need support for any MD-PhD education-related topic!!