EMPA (European MD-PhD Association) is a non-profit association gathering healthcare (MD, PharmD, dentistry…) students and graduates interested in Sciences from all over Europe (from here termed MD-PhDs).

Its main three aims are to bring European MD-PhDs together, promote European scientific collaborations and support MD-PhD students and programs.

To accomplish these aims, EMPA wishes to create a network between MD-PhDs from all European countries with the help of existing national MD-PhD associations. To reinforce this network, EMPA organizes scientific gatherings such as its annual conference, which takes place each year in a different European country and gathers around 100-150 MD-PhDs.

To promote MD-PhD programs, EMPA gleans information about MD-PhD programs and student outcomes throughout Europe in order to help program supervisors and policymakers have a comprehensive view of MD-PhD programs and potentially help them improve. Moreover, by providing information about MD-PhD programs, EMPA has the will to help increase the number of these programs throughout Europe and to develop the European MD-PhD workforce.

Finally, by gathering a great number of MD-PhDs, EMPA’s wish is to raise funding to support European translational projects and MD-PhDs’ mobility around Europe.

EMPA is composed of its members (MD-PhD students and graduates), national representatives and national associations that help to spread EMPA’s voice. It is led by its executive board, annually elected during the general assembly.

Together, European MD-PhDs and translational research are stronger!

The European MD-PhD Association

EMPA Executive Board 2021